Your Favorite Email Pet is Coming Back.
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The year was 2017
Despacito was blaring from boom boxes on every corner, fidget spinners adorned every finger, and according to Google, lots of people were trying to learn how to make french toast.
This was also the year the very first Inbox Creature hatched in someone's inbox. Over the next 3 years, thousands of people would hatch and evolve creatures of their own.
Since then, we've heard a steady stream of requests from folks asking for an updated inbox creature. We've been listening and experimenting in the background, and we're finally ready to announce that a new generation of creatures are getting ready to hatch.
What's different this time around?
We heard a LOT of feedback from the first round of inbox creatures that we're using to make them better this time around. Here's what we're currently considering:
People asked for:
- A longer life: The first inbox creature campaign only lasted 5 days (although we added an additional few days to one branch that people seemed to love).
- More to do: People wanted to be able to interact with their pets in ways other than feeding them.
- More community: Folks were really proud of their pets and wanted a way to interact with other people raising inbox creatures.
- Animation: A consistent request was to animate the inbox creatures so they could show their personality even more.
People liked:
- All the cute: We're going to stick with a similar style this time around.
- The evolutions: Folks like the wacky ways their creatures grew and changed. They also like trying to guess how the food choices would change their creature.
- The opportunities for feedback: We gave people some opportunities to offer feedback the last time around, this time we'll give even more!
Help us make Inbox Creatures better!
Sign up for the waitlist and you can help us play test, offer feedback, and share ideas on making a weird and wonderful experience.
Fun Facts from the first time around:
People from 71 countries raised Inbox Creatures.

There were 8 final evolutions in the original version of Inbox Creatures.
The whole experience was powered by AWeber. You can create and share all sorts of things for free using AWeber.
1 out of every 20 pet names included "lil" or "blob" ('lil bub' was a particularly popular name).
Someone from the community won a contest and got to theme a mini creature campaign around the New Jersey ice hockey.

We eventually added an additional campaign to one of the final states that let you dress your creature up (people LOVED this).
63.7% of people chose carrot cake as their first snack for their creature (compared to 36.3% who chose a gummy bear).

Help us make Inbox Creatures better!
Sign up for the waitlist and you can help us play test, offer feedback, and share ideas on making a weird and wonderful experience.
This experience was made with No Code using AWeber, a powerfully simple way to build and engage with your audience.